STATION 2: Tributes for Kings (Jesus Accepts His Cross)

STATION 2: Tributes for Kings (Jesus Accepts His Cross)

from $25.00

Mixed media oilgraph on canvas with blood // 36” x 36"

In this Station we see Jesus from the point of view of the Father and looking down from the top of the cross. The soldiers' hand are on either side.

“You've been given the crown
now is the throne

In your mind's eye
you can still see the tree
from which it came
breathed full with your breath
and now returned to you

your final earthly tribute

Trapped in the confines of flesh
you know it will be too much to bear

(Just a little ways...
just a little ways
to the hill)

You can see them now
angels by the thousands
poised ready to carry this tree
with a breath

(Not now....
This is mine)”


This image almost didn’t turn out.

Initially I wanted to have Jesus photographed from behind looking up to this imposing cross but in shooting it, it felt impersonal and removed us from his emotions. So I climbed up a ladder till I was looking straight down at him, but in doing so I accidentally knocked off the settings on my camera vastly underexposing the image to the point where it was barely visible on the negative. To compensate, I printed at the highest contrast settings and used full strength undiluted developer.

In the end it produced a stark image of almost entirely highlight and shadow which I felt made it even more poignant. Since then I have used this “accidental” technique on purpose when I want the same results.

The textures were created with molding paste and also included were the arch motif (upper left and right) along with a splinter from the cross itself at the top.

JESUS: Paolo Durrazzo
SOLDIER: Rod Ramsey and Cameron Church

Original Oilgraph:
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